Jacob Stirling
About Me
I'm currently a Level 5 Computer Games Design student at Staffordshire University focusing on Technical Design. I have experience in Game Design Documentation, UI/UX Design and Implementation, and Blueprints within Unreal Engine. In addition to this I also have some experience with Narrative Design, however this is mostly on the theory side.
I have a love of games of all genres, however some games have impacted me a lot and helped pushed me into this industry. Life is Strange, Watch Dogs 2, and Persona 3 have impacted me a lot for years, and are very important games in my life. I would love to work on some games along these lines, but I adore so many different genres that I would gladly work on anything. One of my dreams for the future is to see a game I worked on from start to finish be published for the public to play, and I can't wait for that to become a reality.