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University Project


December 16th 2022


Technical Designer

This is my Level 5 Semester 1 3D Games Design and Development Game Design Documentation. We were provided with a top-down shooter framework where I built a custom gun from scratch heavily inspired by the Dubstep Gun seen in Saints Row 4.

My time management for this assignment was far from ideal, so a lot of my work was rushed, as you can probably tell. Despite this I definitely feel like this assignment was a good learning experience as it was my first time trying to make a game design document. There is a lot of room for improvement, and I'm hoping my final document and project for my second semester will be much better. My initial concept for the project was much more ambitious than I had time for, so many aspects had to be cut or changed. I'm also very bad at level design so I decided to focus this entry on the GDD side of the project.

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